ING Solidarity Awards 2017

Hello everyone, O AESA vem por este meio informar que, pelo 1° ano estamos a participar no concurso ING Solidarity Awards. Baseia-se num concurso organizado pela ING no qual as 30 associações mais votadas, ganham um prémio de 1000€. Nesse sentido lançamos aqui um apelo...


ALERT! Please be advised that the overall timetable and the sections now available online. We call your attention to the following general changes, compared to those announced in the Year Opening: Mass October and Promise Manager Fabio, 29/10/2017...

New Head of Grouping

Hello everyone! The Directorate of AESA hereby comes to inform its associated members, that the Grouping has a new Head of Grouping. As described in the CA Minutes of 23.09.2017 and in accordance with the provisions of our internal regulations, the Chief was elected ...

Abertura do ano 2017-18

ALERT! The parents and all elements of the cluster: As advertised, a abertura do ano escutista 2017/18 terá lugar no próximo dia 7 of October, whose program we leave here for the knowledge and consultation of all. 14:30 - Concentração na sede do LGS 14:45 - Cerimónia...

Novos Regulamentos Internos disponíveis

Hello everyone! The Directorate of AESA hereby comes to inform its associated members, que os Regulamentos Internos, conforme aprovados em Conselho de Agrupamento do 23/09/2017, já se encontram disponíveis no nosso Site. Podem ser encontrados na pasta Regulamentos...