

Here you will find several useful links

Aqui encontras uma lista de links importantes!

1. Scouting in Luxembourg

1.1. SIL-Scouting in Luxembourg http://www.scout.lu/
1.1. LGS-Lëtzebuerger Guide a Scouten http://lgs.lu/
1.3. Scout Shop LGS https://lgs.lu/shop/
1.4. Chalets no Luxembourg https://www.chalets.lu/
1.5. GO URBAN 2017 GoUrban.lu

2. Scouting in Portugal

2.1. CNE – Official site www.escutismo.pt
2.2. CNE – Inkwebane inkwebane.cne-escutismo.pt
2.4. CNE Teaching Resources recursospedagogicos.cne-escutismo.pt
2.5. CNE Prog. Educational leiria.cne-escutismo.pt/web/source/pe/

3. Scouting in the World

3.1. WOSM-World Organization of the Scout Mouvement www.scout.org
3.2. WAGGGS-World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts www.wagggs.org
3.2. World Scout Shop www.worldscoutshop.org
3.3. Wikipedia Scouting Portal wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Scouting
3.4. International Catholic Conference of Scouting http://www.cics.org/

4. Techniques

4.1. online maps

4.2. First aid http://www.primeirossocorros.com/
4.3. Animated knots http://www.animatedknots.com/
4.4. weather Luxembourg meteozentral.lu

5. Catholic church

5.1. Portuguese Catholic Mission http://missaocatolica.wix.com/luxemburgo
5.2. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg https://www.cathol.lu/
5.3. Portal of Christian Education www.educris.com

6. Local entities

6.1. Luxembourg City http://www.vdl.lu/
6.2. Commune de Kopstal https://www.kopstal.lu/
6.3. National Youth Service http://www.snj.public.lu/fr
6.4. Voluntary Service http://volontaires.lu/
6.5. Youth.lu https://www.youth.lu/